Saturday, February 12, 2011

I see light through the translucence of my shell - it's time.

Welcome to The Sardonic Scribe, an unorthodox movie review blog site I decided to do because I love movies. I'm not all artsy-fartsy about them nor PC. I watch movies to be entertained and to escape this hellhole of a world for an hour and a half or two or three if the movie warrants it. As for being PC - forget it. This world has been pussified to the point of making me vomit over how polite and kind and worried about someone getting offended everyone is. Another thing that irks me are the movie reviewers out there that obviously want to kiss the putrid ass that is Hollywood right now and will say good things about the horseshittiest of movies if they're told to.

That's not me. I'm just a guy who likes movies. I talk about movies honestly and harshly. If they're stupid I'll say they're stupid and probably tell you why. If I think they're brilliant I say they're brilliant. You clods see the pattern?

Feel free to drop me a line now and again. Everyone has an opinion and if you agree with me great, fantastic. If you don't agree with me you can get bent over a hot stove.
My egg tooth is fully formed now and all the tittie-babies should back away so no one gets amniotic fluid on them.

The Sardonic Scribe is born.

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